
I consider myself to be somewhat of a foodie. My childhood dream was to be a chef. I’ve been a vegetarian for 20 years and religiously buy organic and local whenever possible. I never miss an episode of Top Chef nor an issue of Food & Wine magazine. I feel fortunate to live in the San Francisco area and have access to so many incredible restaurants and delicious cuisine. But here’s my secret: I love nachos. Cheesy, greasy, low-brow, tasty nachos in all their glory.

I love them so much, in fact, that when my life took a difficult turn and I needed something to focus on, I decided to shift my attention to nachos. I will seek them out for the purposes of assessing them, like some kind of baseball-watching, nascar-loving, tanktop-wearing food critic and then blog about it so the 3 people on the planet who might actually care can consume my wisdom.  You’re welcome.

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